Calling all DIY Beauty Mavens!! EB eggs and breakfast go hand in hand however, they also have many nutrients in them that are beneficial to your skin! We broke down each aspect of an EB egg and the benefits they can have for your skincare routine below!
Most people think of eggs and immediately then breakfast- yes eggs and breakfast go hand in hand however they should really be all about using eggs in their beauty routine.
Each part of an EB egg has its own little benefits for all you DIY beauty mavens out there.
Let’s break it down by each part of the egg.

The yolk is by far the most nutrient-dense part of the entire egg-it’s the part of the egg will have you screaming- ‘helloooo hydration!’ for all thing’s beauty. It’s full of vitamins A, B, D and has minerals like zinc! Also, Eggland's Best eggs have 6x more vitamin D and 2.3x more vitamin B12 (compared to ordinary eggs). This potent Eggland’s Best cocktail together can help to retexturize, nourish and strengthen your skin AND hair!

Egg White
The egg white is all about clearing up the skin! It helps to rectify all those imperfections and impurities your skin might have. The astringent properties of the egg white work to clean out the everyday oil and dirt from your skin’s pores. Egg whites are also known for their instant firming and tightening effects which are caused by the collagen and proteins! In fact, many of the top skincare companies actually use egg whites as one of their active ingredients in their products.

The eggshell technically has two parts of it that should be important to any DIY beauty junkie out there--the shell and the membrane. The eggshell is truly an amazing source of minerals and calcium. Anytime someone talks about skincare, moisturizing is brought up, and with that comes calcium. Now onto the membrane. An egg membrane has the ability to draw out oil from pores and dry out pimples overnight. Perfect for those days that you have a newly formed pimple and a big event that weekend!
*A few things to keep in mind when incorporating Eggland’s Best in your beauty routine- anytime you work with homemade remedies or treatments you should always use fresh ingredients. Stray away from using ingredients that have been sitting in the fridge for a few days. The minute you open refrigerated products the clock starts ticking for possible harmful bacteria growth.
Now that you are a PRO on Eggland’s Best beauty benefits whisk this DIY Spa Facial up at home and sit back and zen out for 15 minutes while the mask works its wonders.

Eggland’s Best DIY Spa Facial
This all-star mask has everything you could ever want in a DIY facial mask. The ingredients blended together work to soothe your skin, while also providing it with hydration and anti-aging benefits. It also has acidophilus which works to clarify in impurities in your skin.
1 Tbs Yogurt
1 Eggland’s Best Egg (egg white only)
1 Tbs Warmed Honey
½ tsp. Almond Oil
Fork or Whisk
Brush for application
- Separate the yolk from the egg white
- Combine the almond oil, honey, egg white and yogurt in a bowl
- Using a fork or small whisk mix ingredients together thoroughly
- Using your fingers or a clean fan brush, brush mixture evenly on face
- Leave on face for 15-20 and rinse with warm water
- Pat face dry