Taste Recognition Award Recognizes Superior Taste and Freshness of Eggland’s Best Eggs

For the 19th year in a row, Eggland’s Best (EB) has been recognized by Chefs in America with “The American Masters of Taste” Gold Medal Seal for being the only egg with superior taste, freshness and appearance. This prestigious award spans the Eggland’s Best portfolio, honoring EB Classic Eggs, Organic Eggs, Cage-Free Eggs, and Hard-Cooked Eggs. Each product was blindly judged and named superior tasting compared to other products within its category.
“At Chefs in America, year over year we are pleased that Eggland’s Best eggs continue to rise to the top,” said Christina Washington, VP of Endorsements for Chefs in America. “Eggland’s Best consistently receives the highest scores from our culinary experts because the brand always delivers superior taste and freshness compared to other eggs in the category.”
Chefs in America draws from a nationwide network of professional chefs to conduct year-round triple blind taste tests on a number of retail grocery products.
“It’s an honor to receive the prestigious Gold Medal Award for Superior Taste from ‘The American Masters of Taste’ once again,” said Charlie Lanktree, CEO of Eggland’s Best. “At Eggland’s Best, we take great pride in ensuring that every product delivers the highest quality with superior taste, freshness and nutrition.”
“Awards like ‘The American Masters of Taste’ Gold Medal Seal are extremely beneficial because they draw attention to top quality products, making it easier for consumers to instantly recognize the best options available on the shelf,” said Dawn Jackson Blatner, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. “I only recommend Eggland’s Best eggs to my clients and serve them to my family because of their consistently great taste and superior nutrition compared to ordinary eggs.”