Researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine released a study stating that people who get plenty of choline in their diets may perform better on memory tests, and may be less likely to show brain changes that are often associated with dementia. Choline is a nutrient that is part of the B-complex vitamin family, which also includes other memory-boosting vitamins such as Vitamin B12. more EB eggs are an excellent source of choline, with 125mg of this important nutrient in each egg.
The study, released this month, shows men and women participants who recieved the top 25% maximum recommended daily intake (RDI) for choline performed better on memory tests than those men and women who took 25% or less than the maximum RDI for choline. The study also stated that the study participants who included the daily recommended amount of Vitamin B12 in their diets also performed better on the memory tests.* In addition to the rich choline content in EB eggs, each EB egg has three times more Vitamin B12 than ordinary eggs.
Don't forget! Nutritious EB eggs are the best choice to start your morning with a tasty, good-for-you breakfast. And eating EB eggs, along with other nutrient-rich foods, is the best way to get our daily doses of important vitamins & minerals, like choline and Vitamin B12.
For adult women, the RDI for choline is 425mg per day, and 550mg per day for adult men. For adult men and women, the RDI for Vitamin B12 is 2.6 mcg (micrograms). Each EB egg contains 1.25mcg of Vitamin B12. For advice on the right amount of vitamins and minerals for you, always consult your physician.
*Article Information Source: Reuters