Eggland’s Best is excited to announce that our eggs now have 5x more vitamin D than ordinary eggs. Eggland’s Best has increased the fortification of vitamin D in our hens’ all-vegetarian feed, which naturally has resulted in an increase in vitamin D in our eggs. This increase is in the D3 form of the vitamin, which is considered to be the most beneficial for our consumers. The Daily Value established for vitamin D by the FDA is 400 International Units.more
The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine has set a higher recommendation of 600 IU’s. Recognizing that continually emerging research results confirm the benefits of even higher levels of vitamin D, Eggland’s Best has stepped up the vitamin D level from 120 IU’s (30% DV) to 140 IU’s (35% DV) for one Large egg. Sourcing your vitamin D needs through Eggland’s Best eggs is a great way to be sure that you are getting the preferred vitamin D3 form and that the level will never be excessive. All of the many potential health benefits of vitamin D for human consumers are similarly beneficial for ensuring optimum health for our hens. Vitamin D is important for making strong shells and improving overall egg quality!
When you choose Eggland’s Best eggs, you are providing a nutritional advantage for yourself and your family. Find all our nutrition benefits here.