May celebrates National Egg Month, but at Eggland’s Best, we celebrate being the ONLY egg that can provide better nutrition and better taste every day. So does Eggland’s Best resident EGG-spert, Carla Birnberg. She loves EB so much, she wrote a poem about it!
It’s National Egg Month.
It’s MAY and I’m glad.
(To be candid, be honest
Other months make me sad.)
In May we all pause
EGGcited! With glee!
We celebrate the oval
So important to me.
I eat Eggland’s Best
‘Bout four times a day
And the hard boiled way.
An EGGvangelist am I
Eggs just fill me with GLEE
(I select Eggland's brand
For the Vitamin D.)
Speaking of the brand
Which is freshest by far
Did YOU even know
How vitamin'y they are?
There's E and there’s B.
So much more DHA.
Cage free? Organic?
Sometimes scrambled for me.
Pour in smoothies! Easy!
My fave EB EGGS?
No other egg brand
Can even top that!
So join me this month.
Celebrate every day
Create, bake and cook
The Eggland’s Best way.