Taste Recognition Award Recognizes Superior Taste and Freshness of Eggland’s Best Eggs

For the past 20 years, Chefs In America has awarded Eggland’s Best with “The American Masters of Taste” Gold Medal Seal for the superior taste, quality and freshness of its eggs. This prestigious award spans the Eggland’s Best portfolio, honoring the brand’s Classic Eggs, Organic Eggs, Cage Free Eggs, and Hard-Cooked Eggs. Each product was triple-blind judged and awarded superior tasting compared to other brands within its category.
“There is no surprise that Eggland’s Best continues to surpass other eggs year after year,” said Christina Washington, VP of Endorsements for Chefs In America. “Eggland’s Best consistently ranks highest based on the superior quality and taste of Eggland’s Best eggs.”
Chefs In America, the oldest culinary endorsement organization in the US, is a prestigious culinary organization comprised of top corporate and high-volume chefs. Its American Masters of Taste Award is the Gold Medal endorsement program in which only one brand is awarded the Gold Medal Seal per category.
“We are honored to be one of the longest-standing gold medalists and to receive the Gold Medal Award for Superior Taste from ‘The American Masters of Taste’ for another year,” said Kurt Misialek, President and CEO of Eggland’s Best. “At Eggland’s Best, we always strive to provide the best tasting and most nutritious egg to our consumers.”
“Endorsement awards like ‘The American Masters of Taste’ Gold Medal Seal solidifies that Eggland’s Best eggs are superior in taste and nutrition including six times more Vitamin D, more than double the Omega-3s, and more than double the Vitamin B12,” said Dalina Soto, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. “I only recommend Eggland’s Best eggs to my clients and serve them to my family because they're packed with great nutrition that helps give you an extra boost!”
About Chefs In America
For over 30 years, consumers have relied on the American Masters of Taste Gold Medal Seal to lead them to America’s SUPERIOR TASTING food & beverage products. Marketing & sales professionals utilize the Gold Medal Endorsement as a strategic tool to create heightened brand awareness and a unique selling point for award-winning products. Chefs In America draws from a nationwide network of professional chefs to conduct year-round triple blind taste tests on a myriad of food service and retail grocery products. Culinary equipment and small wares are judged for overall quality and may receive a Superior Quality Gold Medal.